Sew a bunch of simple and stylish little baby drool bibs for your little one in no time at all!

I don’t sew a lot, and I still consider myself just an occasional dabbler in the craft. This little bandanna bib was just the kind of quick and simple project I needed to get myself sewing again after a long lapse.
My baby boy is a slobbery kid. Like, soaking his shirt and leaving puddles on the floor slobbery. This trait caught me off guard, because his big sister hardly drooled at all. (Though honestly, I shouldn’t have been surprised. They’re as different as summer and winter.)
We didn’t need much for kid #2, because we kept most of our baby stuff from the first time around. But the only real bibs we have are clearly food-stained, mealtime accessories. Not fashionable for everyday wear. I wanted something way cuter to soak up all that slobber, and keep me from having to change his wet shirt several times a day.

I used the tutorial from How Does She: DIY Baby Bandanna Bib. These step-by-step instructions were easy to follow and the end result is adorable.
One thing I love about these drool bibs is that they can be made with fat quarters. I picked up a multi-pack of fat quarters in super-cute baby patterns to make a whole bunch. I used a thin and breathable solid color for the back, but you could also make them reversible. For fasteners, I used these little snaps I already had on hand.

So cute! And so quick and easy. But I’m not sure they taste that great, buddy…

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